Monday, March 9, 2009


"Who Watches the Watchmen?" is the catch-phrase of the film, and I can tell you that I watch the Watchmen over and over again if I could.  I saw this film last night at Point Orlando in IMAX and I can honestly say that the film was everything I expected.

Like many loyal fans I am a fan of the graphic novel from Alan Moore.  When I saw the film last night I felt that the director Zack Snyder (300) did a good job bringing this story into film form and all of the actors who played from Dr. Manhattan to Rorscharch did terrific jobs.  The action was there, and so was the essence of the graphic novel.  My only problem is the fact the they cut out alot of valuable information from the film that was in the graphic novel.  I understand that Hollywood would like to make it as short as they can, but they must understand that this is a story that you cannot just tell in short length.  I wouldn't have minded if the film was over 3 hours, as long as it stuck to the roots.  

This film is not for everyone.  If you are expecting a film like Spider-Man or Batman or any of those comic book heroes, then this film is not for you.  This film is more literally than any other superhero film.  Other than that, I enjoyed the film and wouldn't mind watching it again.

Overall rating: 4 out of 5

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