The story revolves around Bryan Mills, a retired spy for the U.S. government, who finds out that his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) has been taken by people in France and he stops at nothing to bring back his daughter safely.
The movie starts off dramatically so to know who each character is and what has happened in their lives, but once she gets taken the action starts and never lets up. I was blown away by Liam Neeson in this film. He is a great actor who should get every recognition he deserves. And the film is directed by new French director Pierre Morel (director of District B-13). He has done a wonderful job of creating all of the action sequences and how it was captured on film. Of course not all credit goes to Mr. Neeson and Mr. Morel, but also to the great Luc Besson. He created the story to this film and wrote half of the screenplay. For those who do not know Luc Besson, he is the director of such hits as 'The Professional' and 'The Fifth Element'.
Overall, this film is a great action film that should watched in the theaters while it is still out. If you love spy films such as the new James Bond films and the Bourne trilogy, then this film 'TAKEN' is not to be missed.
Overall rating: 4 out of 5
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